Hands Up If You're Human
Tune in every Tuesday for the Hands Up If You're Human podcast, dedicated to exploring and celebrating the messy reality of being human. In these conversations we will be discussing the many challenges and barriers we all face that prevent us feeling connected, fulfilled and happy, and explore the ways we can create the lives we really want to live by understanding, accepting and fully embracing All That We Are.
Hands Up If You're Human
HUIYH talks about Inalienable Truths - Episode 8
Join Lisa and Wyndham for a new series of bonus episodes that speak of the truths that lie next to our hearts. Not the stories we tell ourselves. Not the things we think we believe and believe to be true. Not the truths that make us feel better or worse. Simply the universal truths without judgement, without favour and without the biases created by our emotions. These are the Inalienable Truths we are left with when we strip away the stories we tell ourselves.
Published on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month these episodes follow the main Hands Up If You're Human episodes on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays. That's right, we are now 4 episodes a month!
We hope your enjoy the conversations!
Thank you so much for listening to the Hands Up If You're Human podcast, we are truly grateful for you sparing us the time. If you have enjoyed what you've heard please subscribe and leave a rating and review, and please recommend and share with anyone you think might benefit from these conversations. If there is anything you personally are struggling with and would like us to discuss please feel free to drop us a line at handsupifyourehuman@gmail.com in complete confidentiality, and if you're interested in finding out a little more about me and my work you can find me at www.wyndhamjames.com, where you will be able to get a free copy of the "Companion Book of Inalienable (and often inconvenient) Truths". Until next time:
May compassion and curiosity guide us to the deeper connections we need.
May we see through compassionate eyes, may we speak with compassionate words, may we love without fear or expectation.
We wish you a peaceful and joyful few days and we will speak to you again soon.